- 14 February 2001
Hon Philip Burdon Chairman, Asia 2000 Foundation of New Zealand
The Future of APEC - a personal view - 15 March 2001
Rizalino S Navarro Special Envoy of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
Restoring Confidence in the Philippines - 20 March 2001
Peter Adams Director, Development Cooperation Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
China in the Year of the Snake - 3 April 2001
Hon Marie Hasler National Opposition's spokesperson on Immigration and Population
Are we an immigrant-friendly country? - 15 May 2001
Denis Win Thein Managing Director, Powerhouse Systems Ltd
Myanmar - The Case for Engagement - 29 May 2001
Hon Peter Dunne, MP Leader, United Future Party. MP for Ohariu-Belmont
NZ’s One-China policy: an outmoded hangover of the Cold War - 26 June 2001
HE Chen Mingming Ambassador of the People's Republic of China
One China Principle and the Taiwan Issue - 18 July 2001
Gerald Hensley Former Secretary of Defence
New Zealand Security - Does Asia Matter? - 6 August 2001
Graham Kelly, MP Chair, Parliamentary Select Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
North Korea: implications of current developments for New Zealand - 21 August 2001
Andrew Renton-Green School of Politics, Victoria University of Wellington
Indonesia's future- fragmentation, implosion or status quo? - 25 September 2001
Bruce Brown Former Director, NZIIA
NZ and Asia: some further recollections and current reflections - 31 October 2001
Tan Keng Jin Singapore High Commissioner
Singapore, New Zealand's CEP Partner - 21 November 2001
Maarten Wevers Business Development Manager (Government), NZ Post Ltd
Japan's Crisis - Will the corner be turned? - 5 December 2001
Terence O'Brien Teaching Fellow in International Relations at Victoria University of Wellington
Major Implications of 11 September for the Asia-Pacific