Guest Speaker:
H.E. José Gerardo Traslosheros H
Ambassador of Mexico
Event Date: Wednesday 3rd May 2017
Event Time: 5:30 pm-7:00 pm
Event Location:
Bell Gully
Level 21, 171 Featherston Street, Wellington.
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José Geraldo Traslosheros Hernández
- Ambassador of Mexico to New Zealand (starting May 2016)
- Consul General of Mexico in Sao Paulo (January 2011 to May 2016)
- Professor/Researcher, Director of the Center for Asia-Pacific and Latin-American Business Studies, at Monterrey Technological Institute (ITESM), México City Campus (January 2009 to December 2010)
- Coordinator of the OECD/Mexican Ministry for the Economy project for the Strengthening of the Regulatory Framework for Competitiveness (September 2007 to January 2009)
- Minister-Counselor for the Ministry of the Economy at the Mexican Permanent Mission to the OECD (September 2005 to August 2007)
- Coordinator of the negotiations of the Mexico-Japan Economic Partnership FTA Agreement (2003-2005)
- Chair of the APEC Senior Officials Meetings (SOM) for APEC (2002)
- Coordinator of the negotiations of the Mexico-Israel Free Trade Agreement (1999-2000)
- Director General at the SECOFI/Mexican Ministry for the Economy for Trade Negotiations with Asia and Multilateral Trade Affairs (1995 – 2005)
- Chief negotiator for Rules of Origin and Customs Procedures in the Free Trade Agreements between Mexico and Costa Rica, Mexico and Bolivia and Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela (1993 to 1995)
- Mexican Coordinator for the negotiations of the Uniform Regulations for the Market Access, Rules of Origin and Customs Procedures chapters of the NAFTA (1993)
- Member of the Mexican NAFTA Negotiating Team for the Market Access Chapters (1991-1992)
- D. in Economics at Rutgers University, Masters in Economics at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, and Mathematics BA degree from Winthrop University (studies in economics at ITAM in Mexico)
- Married to Paulina Reyes Berlanga, has three daughters: María Alejandra, Mariana Isabel and Ana Paula.